
[G*Star 2011] Lineage Eternal : Twilight Resistance

[G*Star 2011] Lineage Eternal : Twilight Resistance

Some features include
Lineage 1 style with similar camera perspective.
A "smart camera" that pans and zooms depending on the environment
There is an emphasis on object-oriented gameplay. The player can interact with almost anything
A new drag and drop skill/combat system that NCSoft feels will revolutionize MMO Gaming
NCsoft GStar Premiere event is held today for press, prior to GStar2011. They brought up two of their best MMORPG franchises – Guild War and Lineage. While Guild War 2 has been presented at various game events, there is almost no information at all for the new series from Lineage. NCsoft finally revealed!
The biggest announcement from NCsoft is Lineage Eternal – the next generation MMORPG as well as the newest of Lineage series. The teaser movie was revealed, but they did not allow recording it. You need to visit GStar2011 to watch it through Art Theater at NCsoft’s booth. Otherwise, you need to wait until it is available to all.
Lineage Eternal provides quarter view type full 3D graphics like Diablo3 from Blizzard Entertainment, but it is much realistic than Diablo3. It has also large scale siege warfare since siege warfare is almost like a trademark for Lineage series.
Did I tell you that the new game is non-targeting action MMORPG? Lineage Eternal provides more action than before as well. Especially drag skills, which follow your mouse’s moving trace and smart view system, allow you to feel more you are actually in specific situations.

Concept art

1. Lineage Eternal's storyline takes place 200 years after the Lineage storyline, with familiar characters included in the storyline and world view as well. Note that Lineage II is the prequel of Lineage, set 150 years before. Lineage Eternal will be the "oldest" in terms of timeline.
2. Lineage Eternal is still under prototype development and the percentage of completion is unavailable now.
3. Lineage Forever, the originally rumored title (link), is a different project, it is not Lineage Eternal. What ?!
4. Lineage Eternal has been in development for 3 years now with 80 members.
5. The classes now are Warrior, Sorcerer and Archer, with 2 or 3 more to be added.
6. Terrains and destructive environments will play a big part in combat, touted as a "new combat experience".
7. No plans to port the game over to other platforms, with in-house testing scheduled in the 2nd half of 2012.
8. Even with many events going on in one screen due to the massive war, a high end system is not needed as NCsoft will scale the game accordingly to everyone's needs. The goal is to have up to 500 moving objects (players, monster) on screen during massive wars.
9. The quarter view, or isometric view, is coined as "Smart View" system in Lineage Eternal. The camera angle is not fixed, players can still rotate and zoom in or out.
10. The PK system outside of warfare will be different from Lineage or Lineage II, since open PK may stress players. Lineage Eternal is taking a different approach to this system and in the current plan, it is not mentioned as "PK".
11. The "Drag and Hold" feature will not detect complex gestures, with the normal straight line or circular motions being detected easily.
12. Lineage Eternal is developed from scratch as a "global project", hence players should expect to see it hit Japan in the near future.

If you are somewhat a tech geek like myself, you would have known that Apple patented the "swipe to unlock" technology not long ago. In what I view as a similar move, NCsoft confirmed that they have patented the "Drag and Hold" combat system found in Lineage Eternal (link). In a nutshell, other game developers will not be able to use this feature in their games unless permission is sought from NCsoft, most probably at a price.